Hi there! I hope all is well with my readers*smiles*. I wanted to touch on the subject of selecting that perfect outfit. Due to a number of recent holidays passing, I thought I would try to make it easier for you to select the perfect gift for your loved ones. I'll be talking about sizing, color, and thoughtfulness. The three basics you'll need in order to choose the best gifts when the time comes. I'll probably be making videos eventually on the same topic, and a number of others, too. I have so many ideas going around in my head right now, I can barely contain myself...
For now, though, I'm going to explain fashion basics, and what you'll need to make your shopping trip successful. The number one rule in shopping for someone is that you need to know the person's size. Don't try to guess on this, because you'd be amazed at how often you could be wrong. And especially if you choose an item that is two sizes too big for a female??! You know what could happen! At the very least, she'll be upset. At the very worst, you could end up in the emergency room. So let's not allow that to happen, alright?
So many times, I've ran into this scenario...
"So, what size does she wear?" I ask with anticipation. And then, I get a blank stare, a lot of fidgeting, and another blank stare. WHAT? Are you joking? Listen, I can't help you find anything if you don't know what size she wears. It's just not possible. And you can't go by looking at me, and saying, "Well, she's a little smaller/shorter/larger than you." Oh, thanks.
That's not going to work this time. I need to know what size she wears. You need to know a few basic pieces of information before you even come in. Now, although guessing has proved to be the most common method of choosing size, it is certainly the least effective. Guessing results in an over 50% chance of her returning the item/items you bought for her. Now, if you rush through the process, guessing her size at the same time, you increase the chances by another 30%. Yes, you could end up with an 80% chance of a return if you don't prepare before you come to meet with me. The good news is that there's a very simple solution to this dilemma...
1) Sizing 101 This is your chance to prove how great you can be at this, so rise up to the challenge! Let's say she's on the treadmill right now. It's your perfect opportunity to get up, and go into her closet with a pen and paper. Write down the sizes of her shirts, trousers, dresses, and shoe size and width. Also, you should take notes on her particular style. Is she a more classic dresser, or does she have more trendy taste? Is she a simple dresser, or does she prefer a look that is more elaborate? You can keep asking questions, and taking notes until you feel confident that you've prepared enough to make your shopping trip successful. Once you've completed your list, set is aside in a safe place. You'll be bringing that in with you when you meet with your fashion consultant...
2) Color 101 What is her season? Her seasonal color palette, that is...now, there's a lot of useful information about this online. I particularly like organicfamilycare.com. Just go the the seasonal color palette link at the top of the home page. They use a lot of celebrity photos as examples of the best colors for a person. No man or woman can wear every single color out there. There are just some colors that a person simply cannot wear. For instance, I love lime green, but I can't wear it because it makes me look like I'm sick. I'm serious. It's not good on me at all, although I love lime green. And I secretly envy anyone who can wear it well. Each person fits into a particular category or two. That would be their primary and secondary color palette. I liken it to how you have a main browser, and a default browser on your computer. If you can't use one, the you fall back on the other. It's the same way with color palettes. I will also be providing information and photos as examples of each color palette, and secondary color palettes for each of them.
For now, though, I want you to think back to a time when you saw your loved one wearing a color that just made them look great! Maybe it was a navy colored dress that made her look gorgeous, and that will tell you a lot about her color palette, and where she fits on the color spectrum. Navy is actually a part of the Winter color palette, and now we know she fits into the Winter category. We now have a great starting point. Maybe she looks great in terracotta. Terracotta is a part of the Autumn color palette, a great starting point as well. If you're not sure about what her best colors are, you can just ask her. Then use the link on organicfamilycare.com to help you determine what season she is...
3) Take your time. What do I mean by "take your time?" Well, of course, you need to allow yourself one to two hours to make your trip successful. I know that sounds like a lot, but when you're up here, it really goes by quickly. So allow yourself proper time to do this right. But you also need to really take the time to be "thoughtful." Remember when I said you need to take notes? Your list should contain a lot of information that will prove helpful in selecting the perfect pieces to compliment her current wardrobe, and also will provide me with a starting point from which to begin. It is enormously helpful, not only to me, but makes us into a team. It puts us on the same page, and makes the process go a whole lot more smoothly. So, let's get started!
Because you wrote down the sizes of her clothes and shoes, it made the whole process a lot faster, and more effective. We selected a lot of items in less than an hour! A lot faster than we initially thought it would be. We selected a navy dress, along with two layering pieces, a set of earrings and necklace in contrasting, complimentary colors, and a nice pair of neutral colored shoes. Aren't you glad you wrote everything down? The great thing is that we also have gift wrap on site, and it costs the same as if you had done it yourself. And it'll save you valuable time, so by the time you leave, everything will be done. You won't have to worry about anything else, except making your final presentation to her. All the while, you'll have the security of knowing you did your very best. Chances are that she's going to love the items you picked for her, and won't end up returning any of them. See what a little bit of planning can do?
Until next time, take care...CC
3) Take your time. What do I mean by "take your time?" Well, of course, you need to allow yourself one to two hours to make your trip successful. I know that sounds like a lot, but when you're up here, it really goes by quickly. So allow yourself proper time to do this right. But you also need to really take the time to be "thoughtful." Remember when I said you need to take notes? Your list should contain a lot of information that will prove helpful in selecting the perfect pieces to compliment her current wardrobe, and also will provide me with a starting point from which to begin. It is enormously helpful, not only to me, but makes us into a team. It puts us on the same page, and makes the process go a whole lot more smoothly. So, let's get started!
Because you wrote down the sizes of her clothes and shoes, it made the whole process a lot faster, and more effective. We selected a lot of items in less than an hour! A lot faster than we initially thought it would be. We selected a navy dress, along with two layering pieces, a set of earrings and necklace in contrasting, complimentary colors, and a nice pair of neutral colored shoes. Aren't you glad you wrote everything down? The great thing is that we also have gift wrap on site, and it costs the same as if you had done it yourself. And it'll save you valuable time, so by the time you leave, everything will be done. You won't have to worry about anything else, except making your final presentation to her. All the while, you'll have the security of knowing you did your very best. Chances are that she's going to love the items you picked for her, and won't end up returning any of them. See what a little bit of planning can do?
Until next time, take care...CC