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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Makeup as a part of fashion

Hi there:) I hope all is well with my readers. As you know, I am a seller of women's fashions, and I am going to do a series of blog posts on the topic. I am passionate about helping clients find the perfect outfits to suit their needs and personal style. However, today I am going to cover a subject that is overlooked sometimes, and not always looked at as a part of fashion. It's makeup. Now, I know I have some male readers who are probably saying, "Why am I following this girl's blog, if all she wants to talk about is girlie stuff?"

Well, here's why you should keep reading....I'm pretty sure most of my male readers have a special lady in their lives, or at least want to have a wife of girlfriend at some point. And what better way to impress a woman than to know how to choose an outfit or makeup for her? Trust me, girls don't take it like you're too feminine....they take it to mean you really care about them if you know what they like. So it's helpful for you men out there to read this along with my female followers.....

I know there are women out there who would just assume it's okay to go without makeup, and that would make the world a better place, right? Wrong! Please don't skimp on the details of an outfit, and assume that certain elements aren't as important as others. Every single element of an outfit comes together to complete the overall look. A well selected outfit with complimentary makeup will enhance a woman's overall appearance, making her seem younger, more vibrant, and successful. And let's face it....we could all stand to look a little more sophisticated. As American women, we are a casual species. However, that shouldn't mean we have to get lazy when it comes to selecting color, and picking out our clothes every day. And being casual doesn't mean you should forget to take a good look at your face every once in a while to assess what you could do better. Even if it means just trying a new foundation or blush, it's a start in the right direction. 

Most women need a little bit of color added to their faces to brighten and complete their look, and that's where makeup comes into the picture. A well selected makeup palette can easily take ten years off of your appearance, and give you a visual lift. I am in love with Lancome's Photogenic Lumesscence foundation. It makes it so that you don't even need powder, and acts as a light concealer as well. I've found that a complimentary cheek color applied to the apples of the cheeks can freshen up your look completely. And if you are pressed for time, and only have time to apply 2-3 elements of makeup, I would also add a lip gloss to your repertoire. That's the bare minimum, girls! If you have more time, it is surely worth the investment. There are so many helpful products out there, and one of my favorites is Mac's eye shadow, along with their lip glosses. They are formulated so that you only need a small amount, and it will go a long way. So take that extra bit of time before you head out the door. I guarantee you those closest to you will take notice......CC

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